
Ready to play: Hannah

Honestly, I don't know why Hannah's hair is purple now...all my dolls just come out and I can never tell how the next one is going to look (except customs of course). One of the things I enjoy most while working with my hands is that my brain finally shuts up.
Here's the result...Hannah
Hannah is a 46cm ready-to-play-doll with brown eyes, apricot skin and purple/blackberry/lilac hair made of Wendsleydale locks (surprise...they are my favorite these days...isn't this an amazing color?).

She wears undies (not visible on the pics), frottee pants, a jersey shirt and a cotton dress as well as woolen shoes.
Hannah is available in my etsy shop on Saturday, Nov 9th, 8am CET. http://www.etsy.com/shop/vivirosalie?ref=search_shop_redirect